This is our Privacy Policy which sets out what personal information THE PLASTiNKA collects about you.

It sets out how we collect it, how we hold it, how we use it and who we disclose this information to. It explains what information we may collect from you when you use a THE PLASTiNKA website, certain third party websites or THE PLASTiNKA Service. It also sets out how you may access and seek correction of your personal information or complain about a breach of your privacy. This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time if our practices change.

On our website, you may find links to other websites not operated by us, including our partners' websites. This Privacy Policy doesn't apply to them – always check the Privacy Policy of any other website you enter.

1. What kinds of personal information do we collect and how?

When you apply for THE PLASTiNKA Service we collect personal information about you, and (where relevant) authorised representatives on your account. If you are an authorised representative on someone else's account, we may also collect information direct from you, for example if you provide your credit card information for use on an account. This enables us to connect you to your THE PLASTiNKA Service, and allows us to provide and administer that service. This information may include your name, date of birth, contact details such as email address, credit card or bank account information.

We may also collect your personal information from you when you use a THE PLASTiNKA Service, enter into one of our competitions, surveys or otherwise interact with us (such as through a THE PLASTiNKA website, opening THE PLASTiNKA email or through social media). This may include information such as preference information and viewing habits and other usage data.

We may also collect your personal information from third parties where you have agreed with them that your information may be disclosed.

2. What information do we collect when you use THE PLASTiNKA website or THE PLASTiNKA Service?

We collect information regarding activity on THE PLASTiNKA websites and certain third party websites, such as the number of visitors to the website, the date and time of those visits, the number of pages viewed in a session, navigation patterns and, where relevant, websites visited before visiting that website. On these websites, your visits are associated with cookies and/or local storage data which are unique identifiers that we use to store information about your current and previous visits. This information is collected by THE PLASTiNKA or on THE PLASTiNKA's behalf by various analytics companies.

This information provides THE PLASTiNKA with statistics that we can use to analyse and improve our websites and our products and services. We may also use browsing and viewing habits data to deliver targeted marketing, advertising and content from THE PLASTiNKA and third parties on THE PLASTiNKA websites and THE PLASTiNKA Services, as well as THE PLASTiNKA advertising on third party sites, in each case relating to your preferences or interests.

3. Do you have to identify yourself when you use THE PLASTiNKA website?

If you log into our website you will have identified yourself. Where possible, we allow you to use a pseudonym when contributing to our websites. If you wish to remain anonymous when you use THE PLASTiNKA website, do not sign in to the website or provide any information which may identify you.

4. Why do we collect the information and how do we use or disclose it?

We collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information:

a. to assess your application and verify your credit worthiness for THE PLASTiNKA Service;

b. to connect you to, and provide and administer your THE PLASTiNKA Service, including billing and collecting unpaid amounts from you, contacting you about your THE PLASTiNKA Service, and disconnecting or resolving any disputes about your THE PLASTiNKA Service;

c. to provide you with recommendations about use of your THE PLASTiNKA Service and to personalise your experience with us;

d. to develop and enhance our products and services;

e. to manage network traffic, infrastructure use, quality and performance;

f. to monitor your data allowance in relation to specific THE PLASTiNKA Services;

g. to conduct research and to plan and develop our product and marketing strategies;

h. to provide and operate our competitions, events and promotions;

i. to promote and market products and services of ours and our partners; and

j. to comply with our legal obligations including under the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth), the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (Cth) or any industry code or standard registered under the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth).

5. How can you request not to receive direct marketing?

If you do not wish to receive direct marketing communications from us please contact us by email at If you have registered for specific newsletters or updates from THE PLASTiNKA you may continue to receive these unless you opt-out from the specific communication using the link in that communication.

If you change your preferences, it may take some time for this change to take effect. Within this time, you may still receive direct marketing, however we will ensure that your preferences are updated as promptly as possible.

What happens if I don't allow you access to my personal information for direct marketing purposes?

We will always use any personal information we have on you with a strict level of confidence. We use it to ensure that we can talk to you about ways to enhance your THE PLASTiNKA service, how to find the content you like, tell you about new services, and give you access to offers that we think will help you get the most out of your THE PLASTiNKA Service. We will also use the information to provide you access to exclusive experiences that are linked to your preferences.

6. Who do we disclose your personal information to?

We may disclose your personal information to:

a. authorised representatives on your account;

b. entities who assist us in providing, administering, supporting, improving, promoting and marketing our products and services and our competitions, events and promotions, including suppliers, contractors, website hosting service providers, debt collectors, data storage and management companies including providers of cloud services, channel providers, and interactive advertisers;

c. companies that promote and market, or conduct research to help us improve and target, our products and services;

d. credit-reporting bodies or credit providers for credit related purposes such as creditworthiness, credit rating or default listing;

e. law enforcement and national security agencies, other government and regulatory authorities and other organisations as required or authorised by law, including in relation to investigating and resolving disputes or complaints concerning your THE PLASTiNKA Service.

We may also provide your personal information to THE PLASTiNKA Partners***, who will use it for similar purposes as us. How they use your personal information is subject to their privacy policies. If you do not wish us to provide your personal information to the THE PLASTiNKA Partners, please contact us by email at

When you enter into a competition we are running or participate in a sponsored event, we may seek, as a condition of entry, consent to pass your information to a promoter or sponsor of the competition or event. If we do this, we will notify you at the time of entering into the competition or event with us.

7. Do we disclose your personal information overseas?

We may disclose your personal information to third parties overseas who provide services to us, including to the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and North America. We may also disclose your personal information overseas where a partner or sponsor of a competition or event we are running is located overseas. The countries where they are located vary. If we do this, we will notify you at the time of entering into the competition or event with us.

We may also disclose your personal information overseas where a partner or sponsor of a competition or event we are running is located overseas. The countries where they are located vary. If we do this, we will notify you at the time of entering into the competition or event with us.

8. How do we hold your personal information and keep it secure?

We hold your personal information in a combination of electronic and hard copy files. We may store your personal information with a third party data storage provider.

We may combine personal information we receive about you with other information we hold about you. This includes information received from third parties.

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold is protected from misuse, interference and loss, and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure by the use of various methods, including secure storage. Where we store your personal information with a third party data storage provider, we require them to keep it secure and only use or disclose it for the purpose for which it was provided.

Please contact us immediately if you become aware or have reason to believe there has been any unauthorised use of your personal information that we hold.

9. How can you seek access to, and correction of, your personal information?

If you would like to find out what information we have about you, please contact us email at We will ask that you put your request for access in writing and provide us with proof of your identity. You may be charged an administration fee when we provide you with the requested information to cover our time and postage and handling or retrieval costs.

We will generally provide you with access to your personal information that we have about you, but sometimes that will not be possible, in which case we will give you a written notice explaining why.

If you think that any personal information, we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date or irrelevant, you may ask us to correct it. We will take reasonable steps to correct it unless we disagree with your reasons. If we refuse to correct your personal information, we will give you a written explanation why.

10. How can you access further information or complain about a breach of your privacy?

If you believe that we have breached your privacy or have any questions in relation to this Privacy Policy, you can contact us by email at or write to the THE PLASTiNKA Privacy Officer at PO Box 68/3030 The Boulevard, Carrara, QLD, 4211.

We will investigate any complaint, and notify you of our decision in relation to the complaint, as soon as practicable after it is received. If we are unable to satisfactorily resolve your concerns about our handling of your personal information, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner