Choose your tier
Primary tier without feedback
100 AUD
Access to the e-learning platform with all the materials and tasks

Charts, forms, and guides are available for download and personal use after the course

Webinars with the course trainers

Access to an additional Q&A section in the course of the program

Telegram chat with the course participants

6 weeks to complete the program (42 days)
Advanced tier with feedback
150 AUD 200 AUD
Access to the e-learning platform with all the materials and tasks

Charts, forms, and guides are available for download and personal use after the course

Webinars and group masterminds with the course trainers

Access to an additional Q&A section in the course of the program

Homework check, step-by-step instructions, and feedback

• Language practice with the course participants

Telegram chat with the course participants

2 bonus weeks to review the program (8 weeks = 56 days in total)
Individual tier with personal assistance

500 AUD
Access to the e-learning platform with all the materials and tasks

Charts, forms, and guides are available for download and personal use after the course

Webinars and group masterminds with the course trainers

Access to an additional Q&A section in the course of the program

Homework check, step-by-step instructions, and feedback

30-min bonus consultation with a native speaker (Q&A session, linguistic or situational analysis)

Language practice with a native speaker

Сhat with the course trainers

Access to an extra class «Job-search abroad» with a mock interview

Help with resume writing (3 revisions)

4 bonus weeks to review the program (10 weeks = 70 days in total)